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Drate Plus D Tab 70mg/70mcg is a medication in the generic category of Bone Health. It contains two active ingredients:

Alendronate Sodium (70mg) - This component is commonly used to treat conditions like osteoporosis by helping to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of fractures.

Cholecalciferol (70mcg or 2800 IU) - This is a form of vitamin D that aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, promoting overall bone health.

Each pack of Drate Plus D Tab contains 4 tablets, and it is available without a prescription. The price for a pack is PKR 605.91. This medication can be beneficial for individuals seeking to improve their bone health.

Generic Category

Bone Health


Alendronate (70mg), Cholecalciferol (70mcg)

Pack Size


Prescription Required


  • Take Drate Plus D Tab as directed by a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use.
  • Ensure adequate calcium intake alongside this medication, and avoid taking it with certain foods, beverages, or other medications to prevent interactions.
  • Be cautious of any potential side effects, and consult a doctor if you experience any adverse reactions while using Drate Plus D Tab.

  • Common side effects of Drate Plus D Tab may include stomach discomfort, heartburn, or difficulty swallowing.
  • Some individuals may experience rare side effects such as severe allergic reactions, jaw or bone pain, or unusual thigh bone fractures.
  • It's essential to report any unusual or severe side effects to a healthcare professional while taking Drate Plus D Tab for bone health.

Can I take Drate Plus D Tab with other medications?

It's crucial to consult your healthcare provider to assess potential drug interactions before combining Drate Plus D Tab with other medications.

How should I take Drate Plus D Tab for the best results?

Follow your doctor's instructions precisely. Typically, it's taken on an empty stomach with a full glass of water, followed by specific posture guidelines to enhance absorption.

Are there any dietary restrictions while using Drate Plus D Tab?

Avoid consuming calcium-rich foods or supplements within a few hours of taking this medication, as they can interfere with its absorption. Your doctor can provide specific dietary guidance.

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