How to Reduce Creatinine Level With Natural Remedies

Creatinine is a byproduct formed during muscle activity. Increased protein intake can also lead to the production of small quantities of this natural substance.

It is eliminated from your body through urination as your circulatory system transports creatinine to your kidneys which then carry out the elimination process. 

However, if your renal function is impaired, creatinine levels in your bloodstream may accumulate.

Your healthcare provider might assess both your blood and urine for creatinine and may also request additional examinations to assess your kidney function. 

What constitutes a normal level is dependent on factors such as age, ethnicity, gender, and physique.

Increased creatinine levels may serve as an indicator of potential kidney dysfunction.

Wondering how to reduce creatinine levels naturally at home?

You are at the right place. 

In this blog, we will cover how to reduce creatinine levels. 

How Do You Know You Have Exceeded Normal Creatinine Level?

There are certain symptoms you need to look out for to understand if your normal creatinine levels have been exceeded.

  • Alterations in urination (such as increased frequency, discomfort, frothiness, or presence of blood)
  • Muscle spasms
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling nauseous or experiencing vomiting
  • Swelling around the eyes
  • Puffiness in the feet or ankles

Other conditions that may result in changes in your normal creatinine levels include:

  • Diabetes
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Obstruction in the urinary tract
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Bacterial infection affecting the kidneys
  • Presence of kidney diseases in your family

How To Reduce Creatinine Levels Naturally

Here’s how to reduce creatinine levels naturally at home. 

1. Avoid Taking Supplements

When it comes to how to reduce creatinine levels, one way is to avoid using supplements that contain creatine.  

Delivered to the muscle for energy production, creatine is a component that is synthesized in the liver.

When creatine is used for energy, it is transformed into a metabolic byproduct known as creatinine. 

While creatine is produced as a natural substance in the human body, it is also accessible in the form of oral supplements. 

These supplements are often used by athletes which helps to increase their creatinine level and enhance their athletic performance.

This is the reason why individuals who are looking for ways to reduce their creatinine levels to improve kidney function should avoid taking supplements that may contain creatine. 

It is also suggested to consult your healthcare professional before introducing any supplement into your routine. 

2. Lower Your Protein Intake

One way to reduce creatinine levels naturally is to limit your protein intake.

According to different studies, consuming excessive amounts of protein can lead to a temporary increase in creatinine levels. 

Now you might be wondering which food items can have an adverse effect on your creatinine levels. 

Cooked red meat is one item that has an impact on your creatinine levels as the cooking process causes the creatine within the meat to transform into creatinine.

If you are following a diet that is rich in red meat and other protein sources such as dairy show higher creatinine levels as compared to those who have lower consumption of such foods. 

Individuals who wish to continue a high intake of red meat should consider incorporating more plant-based dishes into their diet.

3. Reduce Salt Consumption

High blood pressure can result from food intake that contains excessive amounts of salt. 

Processed foods mostly contain high levels of sodium and phosphorus, which research has indicated may potentially lead to kidney problems.

Instead of going for foods with unmeasured levels of salt, opt for whole, unprocessed foods. You should also consider utilizing spices and herbs to add flavor to your meals whenever possible. 

4. Quit Smoking

Cigarettes can have more than one detrimental effect on the body.

Smoking increases your risk of developing chronic kidney diseases which is why quitting smoking is a smart step towards minimizing possible kidney complications that can result in elevated creatinine levels. 

5. Get Expert Advice On Your Fluid Intake

One of the reasons for increased creatinine levels is dehydration. However, people with kidney problems may have trouble with fluid intake and retention.

It is best to talk to your doctor about the amount of fluid intake you should go for as well as the time of the day most suitable for it. 

6. Increase Fiber Intake

A study indicates that individuals suffering from chronic kidney diseases showed improvement in their creatinine levels once they increased their fiber intake.

However, there is still room for improvement when it comes to research related to the connection between fiber intake and creatinine levels in the human body.

List Of Fruits To Reduce Creatinine Levels

Here is a list of fruits to reduce creatinine levels:

  1. Cranberries
  2. Kiwis
  3. Melons
  4. Bananas
  5. Blueberries
  6. Apples
  7. Oranges
  8. Pineapples

Incorporating fruits into your diet can be really helpful when it comes to sustaining optimal kidney health. 

The list of fruits to reduce creatinine levels mentioned above is rich in vital nutrients, antioxidants, and diuretic attributes, which can naturally assist in lowering creatinine levels.

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1. What level of creatinine indicates kidney failure?

By far, we have established that high creatinine levels can result in kidney problems.

So what level of creatinine indicates kidney failure?

For infants, creatinine levels of 2.0 and above are dangerous whereas in adults kidney damage is indicated by creatinine levels of 5.0 and above.

Now that you know what level of creatinine indicates kidney failure, you will be better equipped to make decisions about your health.

2. What is the creatinine level for stage 3 kidney disease?

So what is the creatinine level for stage 3 kidney disease?

The recommended threshold levels for serum creatinine in identifying stage 3 chronic kidney disease among older adults were ≥1.3 mg/dl for males and ≥1.0 mg/dl for females, irrespective of whether they were suffering from other health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or congestive heart failure.

3. What is the creatinine level for dialysis?

Creatinine level for dialysis:

It is important to note that the decision to start dialysis isn't solely determined by creatinine levels in an individual’s body.

Other factors such as potassium levels, body acid load, fluid retention, blood urea concentration, progression of renal disease, and more are also considered. 

The overall health condition of the patient is carefully evaluated before initiating the process of dialysis. 

This means that a patient with a creatinine level of 3mg/dl may require dialysis, whereas another with a level of 9mg/dl may not.

Generally speaking, a serum creatinine level exceeding 1.2mg/dl in females and 1.4mg/dl in males indicates early-stage kidney damage. 

However, keep in mind that these values of creatinine level for dialysis are relative and can be impacted by various other factors.

Make sure to contact your healthcare provider who will be better able to guide you through the process and let you know whether or not you need to start dialysis.

Creatinine levelHealth and wellnessNatural remedies

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