Finding Relief The Search for the Best Medicine for Nausea

It is not uncommon for people to experience nausea once in a while. 

The onset of nausea can be triggered by several factors such as food poisoning, pregnancy, stress, anxiety, migraines, eating disorders, and motion sickness.

So what happens in nausea? 

Nausea comprises the sensation of an upset stomach and the feeling that one is about to vomit. However, you may or may not vomit every time.

Those of you who have experienced nausea know how uncomfortable and unsettling it can get.

The good news is that you do not have to live with it and wait for it to go away on its own. Several medicines for nausea can help you by speeding up the process. 

In this blog, we will discover all the ways you can get relief by finding the right medicines for nausea and natural remedies. 

Let’s get started. 

6 Best Medicines For Nausea

Here are some of the best medicines for nausea that can provide immediate relief.

1. Zofran (Ondansetron)

Being a prescription anti-nausea medicine, Zofran contains ondansetron which works to control nausea by inhibiting a chemical released in the body called serotonin. 

Serotonin causes nausea when it is released in the gut at a rate faster than it can be absorbed. 

Ondansetron belongs to a class of medications known as serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists.

2. Phenergan (Promethazine)

Not only is it prescribed to treat nausea and vomiting after different surgical procedures, but it also helps to aid in sleep and relieve allergy symptoms.

Promethazine belongs to a class of medications known as phenothiazines.

3. Reglan (Metoclopramide)

This medicine for nausea works by blocking the action of dopamine as metoclopramide is a dopamine receptor antagonist. 

It treats the symptoms of vomiting, upset stomach, heartburn, and nausea by accelerating the emptying of your stomach.  

Metoclopramide belongs to the class of drugs called prokinetic agents and is best used for diabetic patients as well as patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

4. Dramamine (Meclizine)

It is one of the best over-the-counter medicines for nausea that is caused due to motion sickness. 

It prevents vomiting by inhibiting the vomiting reflex in individuals. 

Along with this, it is also prescribed for vertigo which is an illness characterized by severe dizziness. 

5. Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth subsalicylate)

This is one of the best medicines for nausea when it comes to providing immediate relief and alleviating the symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. 

6. Benadryl (diphenhydramine)

One of the best over-the-counter medicines for nausea and vomiting is Benadryl. 

Not only does it alleviate and treat the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness that come as a result of motion sickness, but it also helps you relax and get better sleep.  

It works by inhibiting the action of histamine which is produced in your body during an allergic reaction.

Diphenhydramine belongs to a class of medicine known as antihistamines. 

5 Best Natural Remedies To Cure Nausea

While many great medications can help treat nausea, there are some natural remedies available as well that may help speed up the treatment. 

1. Ginger

There is research to support that ginger can help alleviate the symptoms of nausea during chemotherapy and pregnancy.

It can be as effective as medicines for nausea but the best part is that it comes with mild to no side effects. 

There are many different ways to consume ginger such as adding it into your tea or to your food while cooking. 

2. Peppermint

Peppermint is a species of mint that can help cure nausea, especially during chemotherapy as research suggests.

It can be taken as a part of a capsule, tea, or oil.

3. Proteins

One way to reduce nausea, backed by research, is by eating foods rich in proteins rather than carbohydrates and fats.

Proteins work by regulating the stomach activity by escalating the gastric secretion. 

4. Herbal Tea

Recommended to pregnant women by 21.7% of gynecologists, herbal tea is a natural remedy that helps treat nausea and vomiting. 

5. Stay hydrated

At times when nausea coincides with vomiting, it's crucial to maintain your hydration levels by frequently consuming small amounts of water.

Consuming salty snacks or opting for a non-carbonated, sugary beverage can aid in replenishing the lost sugars and salts due to vomiting. 

Consider using oral rehydration solutions (ORS) as well which are easily available at Ailaaj. 

Foods To Eat During Nausea

Here’s a list of foods to eat during nausea. 

Foods To Eat During Nausea


  • Crackers or Toasts

Are easy to digest and contain bland carbohydrates

  • Bananas

Are a rich source of potassium and light on the stomach

  • Plain Yogurt

Contains probiotics that help in digestion

  • Boiled Potatoes

Are soft and easy to digest; can also help settle the stomach

  • Saltine Crackers

The salt content can help maintain the electrolyte balance

  • Broths or Soups

Replenish nutrients and keep you hydrated

Foods To Avoid During Nausea

While nausea medications can help relieve the symptoms, you also have to maintain a healthy diet to help speed up the recovery.

Foods To Avoid During Nausea


  • Spicy Foods

Can worsen nausea by irritating the stomach

  • Fatty Foods

Can be hard to digest

  • Strong Odors

Some of them can trigger nausea and should be avoided

  • Dairy Products

Can be hard to digest as they contain lactose

  • Caffeine

Coffee and tea may worsen nausea

  • Acidic Foods

May aggravate nausea. May include tomatoes and other citrus fruits.

Additional Tips For Nausea Management

Here are a few tips that would go well with your nausea medications.

Guidelines For Nausea Management 


  • Eat small, frequent meals

Consuming small meals every 2 hours can help prevent an empty stomach that worsens nausea

  • Don’t skip meals 

Maintaining regular eating patterns can help alleviate nausea

  • Separate solids and liquids

Separating solids and liquids in your meals can help in digestion and reduce discomfort

  • Maintain oral hygiene

Make sure to regularly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth to keep unpleasant tastes due to nausea away

  • Maintain an upright posture

Lying down can increase stomach pressure so it is better to avoid lying down for at least 30 minutes after eating

  • Reduce cooking time

Odors in the kitchen may worsen the nausea in some cases; it is best to keep the food preparation time to the minimum or avoid it altogether.

Ailaaj - Providing The Best Healthcare Products And Services

As one of the pioneering ecommerce pharmacies in Pakistan, Ailaaj successfully bridged the gap between you and the best healthcare solutions.

Finding the best products and services has never been easier. 

All you have to do is select the over-the-counter products, upload your prescription, or consult a healthcare professional for expert advice.

From prescription medicines to over-the-counter essentials and wellness products, we have got you covered. 

Visit Ailaaj now to find out more about what we have to offer.

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Health and wellnessMedicineNausea

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