Optimal Vitamin Supplementation Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together

Incorporating a healthy diet into your daily routine is the best way to meet your daily nutrient requirements, but if you are low on certain nutrients, food alone cannot make up for it.

According to WHO, more than 2 billion people globally suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency. 

A deficiency of more than one micronutrient is usually witnessed in people who live in low-income countries.

If you are low on certain vitamins or want to improve your health, it is time to integrate vitamin supplements into your eating habits.

Knowing which vitamins to pair together can be tricky as some work well in a combination while others can inhibit the health benefits when taken together.

Are you stressed out about the fact that which vitamins should not taken together?

Navigating the medical science landscape is not easy, and finding which vitamins should not be taken together is even more complex.

This post will highlight the vitamins that reduce each other’s effectiveness to help you understand which vitamins should not be taken together.

Major Causes Of Vitamin Deficiency


Causes Of Deficiency

  • Vitamin A

Lack of fruits and vegetable intake or malabsorption disorders

  • Vitamin C

Alcoholism, smoking, or malnutrition

  • Vitamin B12

Pernicious anaemia or stomach disorders

  • Vitamin D

Lack of exposure to sunlight, kidney failure, or genetic history

  • Vitamin E

Irregular dietary fat absorption or metabolism

  • Vitamin K

Bile duct blockage, cystic fibrosis, or anticoagulant intake

Please remember that this list is not exhaustive and these are some of the primary causes only. If you suspect a vitamin deficiency, consult your doctor immediately.

Commons Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency 

The human body works optimally when it has the perfect balance of nutrients. 

As vitamins play a key role in maintaining optimal body functions, a deficiency of any of these vitamins results in our body sending out alarms in the form of some common symptoms.

Here are some symptoms that suggest a lack of specific vitamins:

  • Brittle Hair And Nails

Vitamin B7 or Biotin is crucial for healthy hair and nails; lacking this vitamin leads to brittle hair and nails.

If your hair has suddenly started thinning or your nails have become easily breakable, you might be deficient in Biotin.

Some other common symptoms of Biotin deficiency include fatigue, tingling sensations in hands and feet, cramps, and body aches.

  • Bleeding Gums

Although bleeding gums can result from rough brushing or lack of dental hygiene, vitamin C deficiency can also lead to it.

Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients that facilitate wound healing and prevent cell damage.

As the human body is not capable of producing vitamin C on its own, its intake relies on your diet.

According to medical screening, 13–30% of the population have low vitamin C levels, while 5–17% are deficient.

If you experience slow wound healing, easy bruising, or dry and scaly skin, it is time to get your Vitamin C levels checked.

Scurvy, a serious illness that weakens the immune system, is also a result of vitamin C deficiency.

  • Irregular Heartbeats

If you are experiencing irregular heartbeats in the form of tachycardia (fast heartbeat) or bradycardia (slow heartbeat), it might be a symptom of Vitamin D deficiency.

Remember that not every irregular heartbeat feels the same, but if there is a slight change in your heart rhythm, it is best to get yourself checked for Vitamin D deficiency.

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together?

While adequate vitamin intake is essential to maintaining an optimal lifestyle, deciphering the right combination of vitamins is a complex task.

Some vitamins work synergistically, enhancing each other’s benefits, while others can inhibit the absorption rate. 

“What supplements should I take to balance my vitamin levels?” Does this question often lead to an endless spiral of confusion?

Well, we get it. Not everyone is a medical expert, and finding information from multiple resources can be cumbersome.

Let’s look at which vitamins should not be taken together to help you navigate the complex path of finding the best balance of Vitamin intake.

1. Calcium And Magnesium

A combination of calcium and magnesium works right together, but finding the right balance between them is essential for making the most of it.

According to research, when the calcium-to-magnesium ratio is greater than 2:1, there are higher risks of inflammation and metabolic and cardiovascular issues. 

So, before incorporating calcium and magnesium into your vitamin supplements, contact your doctor to confirm the perfect ratio.

2. Vitamins D, E And K

According to research, the most commonly observed vitamin deficiency was that of vitamin D, which shows that the intake of Vitam D supplements is crucial.

However, as vitamins D, E, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins, it is recommended that they are not taken together. 

Due to their fat-soluble nature, they may inhibit the absorption of other essential multivitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium supplements.

Therefore, the best time to take vitamins when it comes to vitamin D, E, and K is at a gap of 2 to 3 hours from supplements that consist of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

3. Vitamin C And B12

“What supplements should I take to maintain an optimal balance of nutrients in my body?” 

This question often leaves people wondering about the right combination of supplements because nobody would want an intake of supplements that cancel out the benefits of one another.

If you are considering including vitamin C and B12 in your diet, stop there, as there can be a potentially harmful interaction between the two.

When vitamin C binds with B12 molecules, it alters the B12 molecules and reduces its availability for absorption in the intestines.

So, the best time to take vitamin C is at a gap of 2-3 hours after the intake of B12 supplementation. 

4. Vitamin B9 And B12

Although vitamins B12 and B9, commonly known as folic acid, are important vitamins for the human body, taking them together is never recommended.

If you are vitamin deficient, an increase in the intake of vitamin B9 masks the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, which can result in severe health risks if not diagnosed at the right time.

Before you make these supplements a part of your regimen, make sure you get your vitamins level checked.

5. Vitamin C And Vitamin A

Vitamin C and A belong to different categories of vitamins and play different roles in the human body.

As they require contrasting conditions to perform optimally, it is important not to take them together.

While Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, should be taken on an empty stomach, Vitamin A, which is fat-soluble, should be consumed with food to increase its absorption rate.

Therefore, we advise taking these vitamins under the right conditions and at the right time for maximum benefit.

Ailaaj: Your Go-To Online Pharmacy For Vitamin Essentials

Navigating the medicine landscape can be tricky, especially when you must get several supplements to achieve an optimal balance.

At Ailaaj, we aim to bring a curated category of medicines to your fingertips. You don’t have to bear the hassle of travelling to your nearby pharmacy to get essential vitamin supplements.

Whether you just want to improve your lifestyle or fulfil a vitamin deficiency, we are here to help with our wide range of medicines that will be delivered to your doorstep.

How To Order Medicines From Us?

  • Vitamin And Supplements Category

Browse the vitamins and supplements category to choose the right medicines. You can also apply filters on the website to speed up your shopping process.

  • Upload Prescription 

Use the upload prescription feature. All you must do is add your name, contact number, and prescription. We will find your supplements and deliver them to your doorstep.

Visit our website today to see how health supplements are now accessible to all! You can also use the quick buy option and get 15% off medicines.

Trust Ailaaj to take care of all of your vitamin essentials, and you will be able to strengthen your health regimen with the highest quality supplements.

Boosting your well-being has never been easier!

Health and wellnessSupplementsVitamins

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