
Pinaz Tablet 10mg is a medication containing the active ingredient Olanzapine. Olanzapine is classified as an atypical antipsychotic medication and is used to treat various psychiatric conditions.

It works by affecting the balance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help manage symptoms associated with conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 


Manufactured By

Horizon Pharmaceuticals (PVT) LTD

Product Form


Generic category 


Active Ingredient






  • The dosage of Pinaz Tablet 10mg is determined by your healthcare provider based on the specific psychiatric condition being treated, the severity of symptoms, and individual patient factors. 
  • It is typically taken as an oral tablet, as directed by your doctor.
  • Allergies: Inform your healthcare provider about any known allergies to Olanzapine or any other medications.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Consult your doctor before using this medication if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 
  • The use of Olanzapine during pregnancy and lactation should be discussed with your healthcare provider.
  • Drowsiness
  • Weight gain
  • Increased appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Extrapyramidal symptoms (movement disorders)
  • Dry mouth 
  1. How long does it take for Pinaz Tablet 10mg to show an effect in psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder?

The time it takes to observe an improvement in symptoms can vary from person to person and depends on the specific condition and its severity. It may take several weeks to months to achieve optimal results.

  1. Can I stop taking Pinaz Tablet 10mg once my symptoms improve?

Do not discontinue this medication without consulting your healthcare provider, as psychiatric conditions often require ongoing management. Stopping abruptly may lead to a return of symptoms.

  1. Can I drink alcohol while taking Pinaz Tablet 10mg?

It is generally advisable to limit alcohol consumption while using antipsychotic medications, as alcohol can interact with these drugs and affect their effectiveness. 

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