
Azotrax 500mg Tablet 6'S is an antibiotic that fights chest and throat infections, ear infections in children, pneumonia, and sinus infections.

Azotrax 500mg Tablet 6'S belongs to a group of antibiotics that work by preventing the growth and multiplication of bacteria in the human body, thus eradicating infections.

Consult with a doctor and follow the prescribed medication suggested by physicians after carefully examining patients. 




Generic Category



Wimits Pharmaceuticals

Pack Size


Product Form



  • The suggested dosage is 1 tablet per day or as the physicians prescribed.

  • Azotrax 500mg Tablet 6'S causes an upset stomach, so to prevent this situation, taking it with food is recommended. If the patient needs to take more than one dose per day, it is advised to take each amount at the same time every day, with a gap of 6 to 12 hours between each dose.
  • Azotrax 500mg Tablet 6'S needs to be ingested for a specified period of time, depending on the patient's condition or the nature of the current treatment.
  •  To prevent any kind of infection, you must consult with a doctor before discontinuing your regular dose.
  • For adults, the dosage depends on the patient's condition and could be turned into 2 tablets daily.
  • For children, 1 tablet is enough, and this medication is only recommended for children who are 14 years old.



The inevitable side effects while using Azotrax 500 mg could be the following:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Muscle weakness
  • Headaches 
  • Oral thrush

Are you suffering particular side effects while using the Azotrax 500mg Tablet? Then you must consult with a doctor and 

allow his prescription to eliminate uncertain medical 



To eliminate medication interaction, it's suggested not to use Azotrax while fighting a contradictory disease.

The chances of interaction increase when you start to consume Azotrax tablets along with medication used for Diuretics, Ergotamine, Colchicine, Rifabutin, Antidepressants, and Amlodipine.


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