
Folinis 75IU Injection is the medication that targets the issues of fertility in females. It is typically used alongside other hormones like the human chronic gonadotropin (HCG) which can increase the likelihood of having a baby. 

The main component in Folinis Injection is Menotropins, which is also called human menopausal gonadotropin, or hMG. The drug exerts its therapeutic effects by providing LH, also known as luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which are key to stimulating the ovaries to create healthy eggs.

However, it is crucial to keep in mind that Folinisinjection is not suggested in women with ovaries who are no longer able to produce eggs because its efficacy is dependent on ovarian function.

Product Name

Folinis 75Iu Inj 1Vial

Product Form


Pack Size

1 Vial


Bristol Mayer Biotech Pakistan

Generic Category

Ovulation stimulant



When you are using a Folinis injector, it is essential to follow the safety guidelines and instructions for use to ensure the best outcomes and to minimize the risk. Here are a few important things to remember:

  • Folinis 75IU Injections are typically given under supervision by a licensed medical professional.
  • The dose and duration of treatment must be determined by the medical expert based on the individual patient's requirements.
  • It is vital to inform your doctor about any existing medical conditions or allergies you are taking prior to taking Folinis injection.
  • Follow the injection schedule with care, and never self-inject without proper guidance and training.
  • The medication should be stored as directed at a distance from heat and bright light sources, and away from the reach of children.

Like other medicines, Folinis Injection may be associated with some negative side effects. The effects of these side effects are usually minimal and short-lived. The most frequent side effects are:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Headache
  3. Tenderness in the breast
  4. Bloating or stomach pains that are mild
  5. There is a redness near the injection site.

What's the function of Folinis injection?

Folinis 75IU injection is used to treat issues with fertility in women. It does this by stimulating the ovaries to create healthy eggs, thus increasing the chance of having a baby.

How do I administer Folinis injection?

Folinis 75IU Injection is usually administered by a health professional. The dosage and frequency will be set by your doctor.

Do you have any significant adverse consequences related to Folinis injection?

Although most reactions are mild and short-lived, some people might suffer more extreme reactions. It's important to notify any unusual or extreme adverse effects to your medical physician.

Do I need to administer my own Folinis Injection at my home?

Yes, Folinis 75IU Injection must be given by a certified healthcare professional. Self-administration is not recommended and may pose a risk.

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