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Novoteph Capsule is a medication prescribed by a doctor with its active ingredient Esomeprazole. It is a beneficial therapy for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and also for the repair of the lining of the esophageal due to the excessive acidity of the stomach. 

In addition, Novoteph plays a crucial function in preventing ulcers caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) or Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Esomeprazole belongs to the class known as proton pump inhibitor drugs which reduce the production of stomach acid in the body, which contributes to the alleviation of these conditions.

Generic Category

Anti ulcerant


Enteric-coated pellets of esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate



Pack Size


Prescription Required



Sami Pharmaceuticals

Country of Origin


Pack Form

Pack of 14 Capsules

Product Form


Product Type


  • Conditional Indications: Esomeprazole is prescribed to treat gastric ulcers and other conditions providing relief to people who suffer from this disease.
  • Storage Keep Novoteph Capsules within a temperature range between 15 and 30 degrees to guarantee their safety and effectiveness.
  • Habit Formation: Novoteph Capsules are not habit-forming, which makes them appropriate for both short-term and long-term usage as directed by.
  • Sedation Novoteph is not able to cause sedation, which allows users to carry on with their normal activities without feeling drowsy.
  • Security for Children: Even though Novoteph can be used safely for adult use, it must remain out of the reach of children in order to avoid accidental consumption.
  • Method of Administration: Novoteph is taken by mouth, and each capsule is made to be easy to swallow.

Novoteph Capsules can cause negative side effects. These include

  1. Certain users might have mild headaches. These tend to be temporary and manageable.
  2. Skin Reactions that are occasionally observed can occur, but they are usually light and temporary.
  3. Dry Mouth Dry mouth may be a rare incident, but it usually resolves by itself.
  4. Gastrointestinal (GI) Insufficiency: Patients may suffer slight GI discomfort that usually decreases with time.
  5. Abdominal Pain can be a possible side effect however it is usually mild and short-lived.
  6. Diarrhea can occur in a few instances, but it's typically short-lived and not serious.

Do I have to use Novoteph Capsules for heartburn without the need for a prescription?

No Novoteph Capsules are prescription-only medications It is essential to speak with a doctor to determine the proper amount and length of time.

Which is the ideal storage conditions in Novoteph Capsules?

Conserve Novoteph Capsules at temperatures between 15 and 30 degrees to preserve their effectiveness and security.

Do you have any restrictions on food intake when you are taking the Novoteph Capsules?

It is recommended that you consult your physician about specific dietary requirements However, typically there aren't any major restrictions on diet that are related to Novoteph Capsules.

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